lørdag den 31. marts 2012

Værsgo. Billetter bortgives.

Ved du, hvem det her er? Zeppelineren hjælper garanteret.

Skulle du befinde dig i Københavnsområdet i påsken og ikke have planer på onsdag den 4. april, kan du score 2 x entre til Amager Bio, hvor Led Zeppelins musik spilles live. Dog ikke af legenderne selv.

Heller ikke af Alex Nyborg Madsen & co. i Led Zeppelin Jam. Ej heller af Robert Plante med venner i Let Tæppelin.

Næh, det er derimod velrenommerede hollandsk/britiske Physical Graffiti, der hylder Led Zeppelin. Læs mere her.

Billetterne foræres efter det velkendte først til mølle-princip, og alle er velkomne til at lægge billet ind på billetterne. Det kan gøres på Facebook, miguellan(at)miguellan.com, sms, røgskyer, stalking eller anden kontakt. De skal afhentes senest i morgen.

fredag den 30. marts 2012

Sonic Youth har dæleme ikke levet forgæves

Selv besætningen med en kvindelig bassist og vokalist har norske The Megaphonic Thrift efterabet. Deres støjrock er dog absolut et bekendtskab værd.

Og skulle bandet ikke larme nok i sig selv, hjælper Loppens lokaler heldigvis på vej. De kan dog godt egenhændigt. Hør gårsdagens koncerts afslutningsnummer, Queen of Noise, fra tidligere på turneen:

Loppen 29. marts 2012

tirsdag den 27. marts 2012

En kopimaskine og en cykel er nok til højintens aktivitet

Sundhedsstyrelsen giver en række eksempler på, hvordan man kan holde kroppen fysisk aktiv. Heldigvis er dyrt udstyr ikke påkrævet i alle forslagene, så de fleste kan være med.

Det kræver fx bare en kæreste eller en rullestol.

Man kan ligeledes få gang i den højintense aktivitet, hvis man ejer en cykel. Og selvfølgelig også en kopimaskine, så terrænet er egnet til cykling. 


fredag den 23. marts 2012

Jeg er en højttaler, der stoler blindt på Google Translate

James Hetfield fra Metallica er nærmest blevet latterliggjort for tekststykket 'I am the table' i The View fra sidste års samvirke med Lou Reed.

Nu kan du købe hans fætters sofa.

torsdag den 22. marts 2012

Enormt dårlig hårdag for A Friend in London

Efter sejren i melodigrandprixet 2011 havde A Friend in London det efter eget udsagn finurligt.

Men prisen for succes kan af og til være høj.

For selv om de har fået det ærefulde hverv at varme op til boybandseancen NKOTBSB den 12. maj i Herning med aldrende New Kids on the Block og Backstreet Boys som trækplaster, er det ikke helt uden omkostninger.

Og da slet ikke for et band, der har en ven i London og en frisør i Berlin.

De får nemlig skæl i 2012.

mandag den 19. marts 2012

Og så siger folk, at TYSK er svært...

Mange hævder, at de behersker et nærmest flydende engelsk, og at det er langt lettere end fx tysk, som jo længe har været et forhadt skolefag.

Især tyskgrammatikken volder problemer, men der er da trods alt en eller anden form for logisk opbygning. Ordnung muss sein og alt det der. Og udtalen er næsten også altid til at regne ud.

Engelsk derimod... Forsøg selv med udtalen herunder, eller hent hjælp her. Og så vil jeg se frem til at modtage udtalereglerne til det åh så lette engelsk.

Digtet The Chaos er fra 1922 og skrevet af nederlænderen Gerard Nolst Trenité:

Dearest creature in creation
Studying English pronunciation,
   I will teach you in my verse
   Sounds like corpsecorpshorse and worse.
I will keep you, Susybusy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy;
   Tear in eye, your dress you'll tear;
   Queer, fair seerhear my prayer.

Pray, console your loving poet,
Make my coat look new, dear, sew it!
   Just compare hearthear and heard,
   Dies and dietlord and word.

Sword and swardretain and Britain
(Mind the latter how it's written).
   Made has not the sound of bade,
   Say-saidpay-paidlaid but plaid.

Now I surely will not plague you
With such words as vague and ague,
   But be careful how you speak,
   Say: gush, bush, steak, streak, break, bleak ,

Previous, precious, fuchsia, via
Recipe, pipe, studding-sail, choir;
   Wovenovenhow and low,

Say, expecting fraud and trickery:
Daughterlaughter and Terpsichore,
   Branch, ranch, measlestopsailsaisles,

Sameexamining, but mining,
   Scholarvicar, and cigar,
   Solarmicawar and far.

From "desire": desirable-admirable from "admire",
Lumberplumberbier, but brier,
   Topshambroughamrenown, but known,

   GertrudeGermanwind and wind,
   Beau, kind, kindred, queuemankind,

Reading, Readingheathenheather.
   This phonetic labyrinth
   Gives mossgrossbrookbroochninthplinth.

Have you ever yet endeavoured
To pronounce revered and severed,
   Demon, lemon, ghoul, foul, soul,
   Peter, petrol and patrol?

Billet does not end like ballet;
   Blood and flood are not like food,
   Nor is mould like should and would.

Banquet is not nearly parquet,
Which exactly rhymes with khaki.
   Discountviscountload and broad,
   Toward, to forward, to reward,

Ricocheted and crochetingcroquet?
Right! Your pronunciation's OK.
   Roundedwoundedgrieve and sieve,
   Friend and fiendalive and live.

Is your r correct in higher?
Keats asserts it rhymes Thalia.
   Hugh, but hug, and hood, but hoot,
   Buoyantminute, but minute.

Say abscission with precision,
Now: position and transition;
   Would it tally with my rhyme
   If I mentioned paradigm?

Twopence, threepence, tease are easy,
But cease, crease, grease and greasy?
   Cornice, nice, valise, revise,
   Rabies, but lullabies.

Of such puzzling words as nauseous,
Rhyming well with cautious, tortious,
   You'll envelop lists, I hope,
   In a linen envelope.

Would you like some more? You'll have it!
Affidavit, David, davit.
   To abjure, to perjureSheik
   Does not sound like Czech but ache.

Libertylibraryheave and heaven,
   We say hallowed, but allowed,
   Peopleleopardtowed but vowed.

Mark the difference, moreover,
Between moverploverDover.
   Chalice, but police and lice,

   Petalpenal, and canal,

Rhyme with "shirk it" and "beyond it",
   But it is not hard to tell
   Why it's pallmall, but Pall Mall.

   Worm and stormchaisechaoschair,

Has the a of drachm and hammer.
   Pussyhussy and possess,
   Desert, but desertaddress.

Hoist in lieu of flags left pennants.
   Courier, courtier, tombbombcomb,
   Cow, but Cowper, some and home.

"Solder, soldier! Blood is thicker",
Quoth he, "than liqueur or liquor",
   Making, it is sad but true,
   In bravado, much ado.

Stranger does not rhyme with anger,
Neither does devour with clangour.
   Pilot, pivot, gaunt, but aunt,
   Fontfrontwontwantgrand and grant.

Arsenic, specific, scenic,
Relic, rhetoric, hygienic.
   Gooseberry, goose, and close, but close,
   Paradise, rise, rose, and dose.

Say inveigh, neigh, but inveigle,
Make the latter rhyme with eagle.
   MindMeandering but mean,
   Valentine and magazine.

And I bet you, dear, a penny,
You say mani-(fold) like many,
   Which is wrong. Say rapier, pier,
   Tier (one who ties), but tier.

Arch, archangel; pray, does erring
Rhyme with herring or with stirring?
   Prison, bison, treasure trove,
   Treason, hover, cover, cove,

Perseverance, severanceRibald
Rhymes (but piebald doesn't) with nibbled.
   Phaeton, paean, gnat, ghat, gnaw,
   Lien, psychic, shone, bone, pshaw.

Don't be down, my own, but rough it,
And distinguish buffetbuffet;
   Brood, stood, roof, rook, school, wool, boon,
   Worcester, Boleyn, to impugn.

Say in sounds correct and sterling
Hearse, hear, hearken, year and yearling.
   Evil, devil, mezzotint,
   Mind the z! (A gentle hint.)

Now you need not pay attention
To such sounds as I don't mention,
   Sounds like pores, pause, pours and paws,
   Rhyming with the pronoun yours;

Nor are proper names included,
Though I often heard, as you did,
   Funny rhymes to unicorn,
   Yes, you know them, Vaughan and Strachan.

No, my maiden, coy and comely,
I don't want to speak of Cholmondeley.
   No. Yet Froude compared with proud
   Is no better than McLeod.

But mind trivial and vial,
Tripod, menial, denial,
   Troll and trolleyrealm and ream,
   Schedule, mischief, schism, and scheme.

Argil, gill, Argyll, gill. Surely
May be made to rhyme with Raleigh,
   But you're not supposed to say
   Piquet rhymes with sobriquet.

Had this invalid invalid
Worthless documents? How pallid,
   How uncouth he, couchant, looked,
   When for Portsmouth I had booked!

Zeus, Thebes, Thales, Aphrodite,
Paramour, enamoured, flighty,
   Episodes, antipodes,
   Acquiesce, and obsequies.

Please don't monkey with the geyser,
Don't peel 'taters with my razor,
   Rather say in accents pure:
   Nature, stature and mature.

Pious, impious, limb, climb, glumly,
Worsted, worsted, crumbly, dumbly,
   Conquer, conquest, vase, phase, fan,
   Wan, sedan and artisan.

The th will surely trouble you
More than rch or w.
   Say then these phonetic gems:
   Thomas, thyme, Theresa, Thames.

Thompson, Chatham, Waltham, Streatham,
There are more but I forget 'em-
   Wait! I've got it: Anthony,
   Lighten your anxiety.

The archaic word albeit
Does not rhyme with eight-you see it;
   With and forthwith, one has voice,
   One has not, you make your choice.

Shoes, goes, does. Now first say: finger;
Then say: singer, ginger, linger.
   Realzealmauve, gauze and gauge,

Hero, heron, query, very,
Parry, tarry fury, bury,
   Dostlostpost, and dothclothloth,

Faugh, oppugnant, keen oppugners,
Bowingbowing, banjo-tuners
   Holm you know, but noes, canoes,
   Puisnetruismuse, to use?

Though the difference seems little,
We say actual, but victual,
   Putnutgranite, and unite.

Reefer does not rhyme with deafer,
Feoffer does, and zephyrheifer.
   Hintpintsenate, but sedate.

   Tour, but our, dour, succourfour,
   Gasalas, and Arkansas.

Say manoeuvre, yacht and vomit,
Next omit, which differs from it
   Bona fide, alibi
   Gyrate, dowry and awry.

PsalmMaria, but malaria.
   Youthsouthsoutherncleanse and clean,

Compare alien with Italian,
Dandelion with battalion,
   Rally with allyyeaye,

Say aver, but everfever,
   Never guess-it is not safe,
   We say calvesvalveshalf, but Ralf.

Starry, granarycanary,
Crevice, but device, and eyrie,
   Face, but preface, then grimace,

Oughtoust, joust, and scour, but scourging;
   Ear, but earn; and ere and tear
   Do not rhyme with here but heir.

Mind the o of off and often
Which may be pronounced as orphan,
   With the sound of saw and sauce;
   Also soft, lost, cloth and cross.

Pudding, puddle, puttingPutting?
Yes: at golf it rhymes with shutting.
   Respite, spite, consent, resent.
   Liable, but Parliament.

Seven is right, but so is even,
   Monkeydonkeyclerk and jerk,

A of valour, vapid vapour,
S of news (compare newspaper),
   G of gibbet, gibbon, gist,
   I of antichrist and grist,

Differ like diverse and divers,
Rivers, strivers, shivers, fivers.
   Once, but nonce, toll, doll, but roll,
   Polish, Polish, poll and poll.

Pronunciation-think of Psyche!-
Is a paling, stout and spiky.
   Won't it make you lose your wits
   Writing groats and saying "grits"?

It's a dark abyss or tunnel
Strewn with stones like rowlockgunwale,
   Islington, and Isle of Wight,
   Housewifeverdict and indict.

Don't you think so, reader, rather,
Saying latherbatherfather?
   Finally, which rhymes with enough
   Thoughthroughboughcoughhoughsough, tough?

Hiccough has the sound of cup...
My advice is: GIVE IT UP!

søndag den 18. marts 2012

Bad nøgen, eller skrid hjem til der, hvor du kommer fra

Læserkommentarerne på Lokalavisen er af og til på samme forbløffende niveau som på vor alle sammens Nationen.

Artiklen om nøgenbadning i en nordsjællandsk svømmehal har i den grad skilt vandene.

Den ene part mener, at nøgenbadning ikke hører hjemme i en svømmehal på grund af hygiejniske årsager. Modparten nævner flere gange, at de bare er sippede og kan blive væk de aftener, nøgenbadningen foregår.

Undtagelsen er, hvis man hedder Said. Så er man ikke sippet. Så er man underlagt tåbelige religiøse regler og bedes tage hjem, hvor så end det er. Næppe bare hjem fra svømmehallen. Kronologien begynder nedefra.

torsdag den 15. marts 2012

Jaj taler jo dansk, så sæføli ka jaj læse koræktur

Det er ikke pokkers kløgtigt at lave stavefejl, når man reklamerer for en skole, hvor ordblinde skal lære at læse og skrive.

Ligeledes har jeg på fornemmelsen, at korrekturlæsere lettere sælger deres egen vare, hvis de holder ansøgningen fejlfri.

Havde det bare været substantiverne, der konsekvent blev skrevet med stort, kunne der om ikke andet findes en forklaring, men de store begyndelsesbogstaver er smidt værre og mere tilfældigt ind end pløkkerne i grev Ingolfs mund.  

Jeg tror, Gyldendal fandt en anden.


onsdag den 14. marts 2012

På tide at sige stop!

Facebook is like fridges. You know there's nothing new inside but still check it out every five minutes.

Men takket være livetickeren sker der noget hele tiden.

Jeg kom tilfældigvis (undskyldningerne er mange) til at følge en kommentarstrøm om Villy Søvndals kommende besøg på Århus Stiftstidende og studsede over indlægget herunder til højre, hvorefter jeg af ren nysgerrighed måtte se profilen bag ordene. 

Det kræver et klik for at forstørre.

Et enkelt råd finder jeg det belejligt at videregive: Forsøg med punktummer.

Blandt andet signalerer de et stop og en pause. Og pauser letter overskueligheden, og endnu bedre - de giver anledning til at trække vejret og tænke over, hvad man netop har læst eller skrevet. Det kan varmt anbefales!


mandag den 12. marts 2012

Det er også svært at læse alle de bogstaver i Wordfeud

Det længste ord i Wordfeud? Måske. Også selv om det ser temmelig opstillet ud.

Der er i hvert fald så mange bogstaver, at den arme journalist slet ikke kan overskue at skrive af spillepladen.

Til gengæld kan han sagtens overskue en flad plathed.


søndag den 11. marts 2012

fredag den 9. marts 2012


Endelig blev samlingen beriget med malesisk musik:

På plade er de skæppeskønne. Live er de helt eminente.



.Diverse kunstnere Woodstock 1970
.Diverse kunstnere Masters of Metal 1986
10CC Sheet Music 1974
AC/DC Powerage 1978
AC/DC Highway to Hell 1979
AC/DC Flick of the Switch 1983
AC/DC Nervous Shakedown 1984
AC/DC Fly on the Wall 1985
AC/DC Who Made Who 1986
AC/DC The Razors Edge 1990
Accept Balls to the Wall 1983
Accept Kaizoku-Ban 1985
Accept Metal Heart 1985
Aerosmith Pump 1989
After Hours Take Off 1988
Alan Parsons Project, The Tales of Mystery and Imagination 1976
Alan Parsons Project, The I Robot 1977
Alan Parsons Project, The Pyramid 1978
Alice Cooper School's Out 1972
Alice Cooper Constrictor 1986
Alice Cooper Trash 1989
Alice in Chains Dirt 1992
Alphaville Forever Young 1984
Amadou & Mariam Welcome to Mali 2008
Amorphis Am Universum 2001
Anathema Eternity 1996
Anathema Alternative 4 1998
Anathema Judgement 1999
Anathema A Fine Day to Exit 2001
Anathema A Natural Disaster 2003
Anathema We're Here Because We're Here 2010
Anathema Falling Deeper 2011
Andrew Lloyd Webber The Premiere Collection 1988
Antimatter Saviour 2001
Apes, Pigs and Spacemen Transfusion 1995
Arcturus Aspera Hiems Symfonia, Constellation, My Angel 2002
Arcturus The Sham Mirrors 2002
Arcturus Sideshow Symphonies 2005
Arthur Lee Vindicator 1972
Beatles, The Rubber Soul 1965
Beatles, The Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967
Beatles, The Abbey Road 1969
Beatles, The 1962-1966 1973
Beatles, The 1967-1970 1973
Billy Idol Idol Songs: 11 of the Best 1988
Black Mountain Black Mountain 2005
Black Mountain In the Future 2008
Black Mountain Wilderness Heart 2010
Black Sabbath Black Sabbath 1970
Black Sabbath Paranoid 1970
Black Sabbath Master of Reality 1971
Black Sabbath Sabbath Bloody Sabbath 1973
Black Sabbath Technical Ecstasy 1976
Black Sabbath Heaven and Hell 1980
Black Sabbath Live Evil 1982
Black Sabbath Blackest Sabbath 1989
Black Sabbath Headless Cross 1989
Blackfield Blackfield 2004
Blackfield Welcome to My DNA 2011
Blind Faith Blind Faith 1969
Blondie Autoamerican 1980
Bob Dylan The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan 1963
Bob Dylan Bringing it All Back Home 1965
Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited 1965
Bob Dylan Blonde on Blonde 1966
Bob Dylan New Morning 1970
Bob Dylan Blood on the Tracks 1975
Bob Dylan Desire 1976
Bob Dylan Hard Rain 1976
Bob Dylan At Budokan 1979
Bob Dylan Slow Train Coming 1979
Bob Dylan Saved 1980
Bob Dylan Knocked Out Loaded 1986
Bob Dylan Down in the Groove 1988
Bob Marley and the Wailers Live 1975
Bob Marley and the Wailers Exodus 1977
Bon Jovi Slippery When Wet 1986
Boomtown Rats, The The Boomtown Rats 1977
Borknagar Borknagar 1996
Borknagar The Olden Domain 1997
Borknagar The Archaic Course 1998
Borknagar Quintessence 2000
Borknagar Empiricism 2001
Boston Don't Look Back 1978
Burzum Belus 2010
Burzum Fallen 2011
Camel Camel 1973
Camel Mirage 1974
Camel Moonmadness 1976
Canned Heat Boogie With Canned Heat 1968
Caravan In the Land of Grey and Pink 1971
Cat Stevens The Begininng vol. 10 1973
Cavalera Conspiracy Inflikted 2008
Chuck Berry Attention! 1976
City Boy Dinner at the Ritz 1976
Clash, The London Calling 1979
Cradle of Filth Bitter Suites to Succubi 2001
Cream Fresh Cream 1966
Cream Goodbye 1969
Cream Live 1970
Creedence Clearwater Revival Green River 1969
Creedence Clearwater Revival Cosmo's Factory 1970
Creedence Clearwater Revival Chronicle 1976
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Déjà Vu 1970
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young So Far 1974
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young American Dream 1988
Cult, The Love 1985
Cult, The Electric 1987
Cult, The Sonic Temple 1989
Cure, The Boys Don't Cry 1979
Cure, The Pornography 1982
Cure, The Japanese Whispers 1983
Cure, The The Head on the Door 1985
Cure, The Standing on a Beach 1986
Cure, The Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me 1987
Cure, The Disintegration 1989
Cure, The Bloodflowers 2000
Dark Funeral Vobiscum Satanas 1998
Dark Funeral Diabolis Interium 2001
Darkthrone Panzerfaust 1995
David Bowie Hunky Dory 1971
David Bowie The Man Who Sold the World 1971
David Bowie Station to Station 1976
David Bowie Heroes 1977
David Bowie Low 1977
David Bowie Scary Monsters 1980
David Bowie Let's Dance 1983
David Bowie Tonight 1984
Deep Purple In Rock 1970
Deep Purple Machine Head 1972
Deep Purple Made in Japan 1972
Deep Purple Burn 1974
Deep Purple Stormbringer 1974
Deep Purple Perfect Strangers 1984
Def Leppard On Through the Night 1980
Def Leppard Hysteria 1987
Def Leppard Adrenalize 1992
Deicide Legion 1992
Delaney & Bonnie Accept No Substitute 1969
Depeche Mode Black Celebration 1986
Depeche Mode Music for the Masses 1987
Depeche Mode Violator 1990
Derek and the Dominos Layla & Other Assorted Love Songs 1970
Dimmu Borgir For All Tid 1994
Dimmu Borgir Enthrone Darkness Triumphant 1997
Dimmu Borgir Spiritual Black Dimensions 1999
Dimmu Borgir Stormblåst 2005 2005
Dinosaur Jr. Bug 1988
Dio Holy Diver 1983
Dio The Last in Line 1984
Dire Straits Money for Nothing 1988
Doobie Brothers, The The Doobie Brothers 1971
Doors, The Waiting For the Sun 1968
Doors, The Morrison Hotel 1970
Dr. Alban One Love - The Album 1992
Dr. Hook Sometimes You Win… 1979
Duran Duran Duran Duran 1981
Eagles Hotel California 1976
Echo & The Bunnymen Crocodiles 1980
Einstürzende Neubauten Zeichnungen des Patienten O. T. 1983
Electric Light Orchestra Time 1981
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Emerson, Lake & Palmer 1970
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Pictures at an Exhibition 1971
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Trilogy 1972
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Brain Salad Surgery 1973
Emperor In the Nightside Eclipse 1994
Emperor Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk 1997
Emperor Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise 2001
Empyrium A Wintersunset 1996
Empyrium Weiland 2002
Eric Clapton Eric Clapton 1970
Eric Clapton 461 Ocean Boulevard 1974
Eric Clapton Slowhand 1977
Eric Clapton Backless 1978
Eric Clapton The Best of 19??
Extreme Pornograffitti 1990
Extreme III Sides to Every Story 1992
Faith No More The Real Thing 1989
Faith No More Live at the Brixton Academy 1990
Falkenbach Heralding - The Fireblade 2005
Fleetwood Mac Rumours 1977
Fleetwood Mac Tusk 1979
Fleetwood Mac Tango in the Night 1987
Frank Zappa Sheik Yerbouti 1979
Frankie Goes to Hollywood Welcome to the Pleasuredome 1984
Frijid Pink Earth Omen 1972
Genesis Nursery Cryme 1971
Genesis Foxtrot 1972
Genesis Live 1973
Genesis Selling England by the Pound 1973
Genesis The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 1974
Genesis A Trick of the Tail 1976
Ghost Opus Eponymous 2011
Gorky Park Gorky Park 1989
Gorky Park Moscow Calling 1992
Grateful Dead Antem of the Sun 1968
Grinderman Grinderman 2007
Grip Inc. Griefless 1999
Gun Taking on the World 1989
Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction 1987
Guns N' Roses GN'R Lies 1988
Guns N' Roses Sweet Child o' Mine 1988
Guns N' Roses Nightrain 1989
Guns N' Roses Paradise City 1989
Guns N' Roses Don't Cry 1991
Guns N' Roses Live and Let Die 1991
Guns N' Roses Use Your Illusion I 1991
Guns N' Roses Use Your Illusion II 1991
Guns N' Roses Knockin' on Heaven's Door 1992
Guns N' Roses The Spaghetti Incident? 1993
Guns N' Roses Chinese Democracy 2008
Hammerfall Crimson Thunder 2002
Helloween Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part I 1987
Herman's Hermits Lucky 13 1966
Iggy and the Stooges Raw Power 1973
Iggy Pop The Idiot 1977
Iggy Pop Blah Blah Blah 1986
Ihsahn After 2010
Iron Butterfly In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida 1968
Iron Maiden Iron Maiden 1980
Iron Maiden Killers 1981
Iron Maiden Women in Uniform / Twilight Zone 1981
Iron Maiden The Number of the Beast 1982
Iron Maiden Piece of Mind 1983
Iron Maiden Powerslave 1984
Iron Maiden Live After Death 1985
Iron Maiden Somewhere in Time 1986
Iron Maiden Wasted Years / Stranger in a Strange Land 1986
Iron Maiden Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 1988
Iron Maiden No Prayer For the Dying 1990
Iron Maiden Be Quick Or Be Dead 1992
It's a Beautiful Day It's a Beautiful Day 1969
Janis Joplin Pearl 1971
Jeff Beck Truth 1968
Jefferson Airplane Crown of Creation 1968
Jethro Tull Aqualung 1971
Jimi Hendrix Are You Experienced 1967
Jimi Hendrix Axis: Bold as Love 1967
Jimi Hendrix Band of Gypsys 1970
Jimi Hendrix The Cry of Love 1971
Jimi Hendrix In the West 1972
Jimi Hendrix Cornerstones: 1967-1970 1990
Joe Satriani Flying in a Blue Dream 1989
Joe Satriani The Extremist 1992
John Lennon John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band 1970
John Lennon Imagine 1971
John Mayall Pop History vol. 14 1971
Johnny Cash At San Quentin 1969
Judas Priest British Steel 1980
Judas Priest Screaming For Vengeance 1982
Judas Priest Defenders of the Faith 1984
Kansas Leftoverture 1976
Katatonia Discouraged Ones 1997
Katatonia Tonight's Decision 1999
Katatonia Last Fair Deal Gone Down 2001
Katatonia Viva Emptiness 2003
Katatonia The Great Cold Distance 2006
Kate Bush The Kick Inside 1978
Kate Bush Hounds of Love 1985
Kris Kross Totally Krossed Out 1992
Kylesa Static Tensions 2009
Kylesa Spiral Shadow 2010
Led Zeppelin II 1969
Led Zeppelin III 1970
Led Zeppelin IV 1971
Led Zeppelin Houses of the Holy 1973
Led Zeppelin In Through the Out Door 1979
Lee Hazlewood Cowboy in Sweden 1970
Lee Hazlewood & Nancy Sinatra Nancy & Lee 1968
Leonard Cohen Songs of Leonard Cohen 1967
Leonard Cohen Songs of Love and Hate 1971
Leonard Cohen New Skin for the Old Ceremony 1974
Lou Reed Transformer 1972
Lou Reed Berlin 1973
Lou Reed Coney Island Baby 1976
Love Forever Changes 1967
Machine Head Unto the Locust 2011
Mama's & Papa's, The The Best of 1970
Manfred Mann's Earth Band The Good Earth 1974
Manowar Battle Hymns 1982
Manowar Sign of the Hammer 1984
Manowar Fighting the World 1987
Mars Volta, The Frances the Mute 2005
Mars Volta, The Amputechture 2006
Mars Volta, The Octahedron 2009
Marty Robbins Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs 1959
Mastodon Blood Mountain 2006
Mastodon Crack the Skye 2009
Mastodon The Hunter 2011
Mayhem Grand Declaration of War 2000
Meat Puppets Huevos 1987
Metallica Creeping Death 1984
Metallica Ride the Lightning 1984
Metallica Master of Puppets 1986
Metallica ...And Justice For All 1988
Metallica Metallica 1991
Michael Furlong Breakaway 1987
Mike Oldfield Tubular Bells 1973
Mike Oldfield Crises 1983
Moonspell Wolfheart 1995
Moonspell The Butterfly Effect 1999
Morrissey Viva Hate 1988
Mr Big Sweet Silence 1975
Mr. Big Lean Into it 1991
Mud Mud Rock 1974
Mudhoney My Brother the Cow 1995
Nazareth Loud 'n' Proud 1973
Nazareth Expect No Mercy 1977
Neil Young Everybody Knows This is Nowhere 1969
Neil Young After the Gold Rush 1970
Neil Young Harvest 1971
Neil Young On the Beach 1974
Neil Young Zuma 1975
Neil Young American Stars 'N Bars 1977
Neil Young Comes a Time 1978
Neil Young Live Rust 1979
Neil Young Re-ac-tor 1981
Neil Young Trans 1982
Neil Young Landing on Water 1986
Neil Young Freedom 1989
Nico Chelsea Girl 1967
Nirvana Nevermind 1991
Obituary Slowly We Rot 1989
Opeth Ghost Reveries 2005
Opeth Heritage 2011
Orphaned Land The Never Ending Way of ORwarriOR 2010
Overkill Feel the Fire 1985
Ozzy Osbourne Blizzard of Ozz 1980
Ozzy Osbourne The Ultimate Sin 1986
Ozzy Osbourne Back to Ozz 1988
Ozzy Osbourne No Rest for the Wicked 1988
Paradise Lost As I Die 1993
Paradise Lost Icon 1994
Paradise Lost Draconian Times 1995
Paradise Lost In Requiem 2007
Patti Smith Horses 1975
Patti Smith Radio Ethiopia 1976
Patti Smith Easter 1978
Patti Smith Wave 1979
Patti Smith Dream of Life 1988
Paul McCartney & Wings Band on the Run 1973
Paul Simon Still Crazy After All These Years 1975
Paul Young No Parlez 1983
Pearl Jam Ten 1991
Pearl Jam Vs. 1993
Pearl Jam Vitalogy 1994
Pet Shop Boys Actually 1987
Pet Shop Boys Introspective 1988
Pete Townshend The Iron Man 1989
Pink Floyd The Piper at the Gates of Dawn 1967
Pink Floyd Atom Heart Mother 1970
Pink Floyd Meddle 1971
Pink Floyd The Dark Side of the Moon 1973
Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here 1975
Pink Floyd Animals 1977
Pink Floyd The Wall 1979
Pink Floyd The Final Cut 1983
PJ Harvey Let England Shake 2011
Porcupine Tree Signify 1996
Porcupine Tree Fear of a Blank Planet + Nil Recurring 2007
Porcupine Tree The Incident 2009
Portishead Portishead 1997
Portishead Third 2008
Prince and the Revolution Purple Rain 1984
Procol Harum Procol Harum 1967
Procol Harum Shine On Brightly 1968
Procol Harum A Salty Dog 1969
Procol Harum Live in Concert With the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra 1972
Procol Harum Grand Hotel 1973
Queen Sheer Heart Attack 1974
Queen The Works 1984
Queen The Miracle 1989
Quicksilver Messenger Service Quicksilver Messenger Service 1968
R.E.M. Fables of the Reconstruction 1985
R.E.M. Automatic for the People 1992
Radiohead High and Dry / Planet Telex 1995
Radiohead The Bends 1995
Radiohead Kid A 2000
Radiohead Amnesiac 2001
Radiohead Hail to the Thief 2003
Radiohead In Rainbows 2007
Radiohead The King of Limbs 2011
Rage Reign of Fear 1986
Rammstein Mutter 2001
Red Squares Red Squares 1966
Rolling Stones, The Aftermath 1966
Rolling Stones, The Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out! 1970
Rory Gallagher Live in Europe 1972
Rory Gallagher Calling Card 1976
Roxy Music Country Life 1974
Roxy Music Manifesto 1979
Run DMC Raising Hell 1986
Russ Giguere Hexagram 16 1971
Satyricon Rebel Extravaganza 1999
Satyricon Now, Diabolical 2006
Satyricon The Age of Nero 2008
Saxon Strong Arm of the Law 1980
Saxon Wheels of Steel 1980
Scorpions Fly to the Rainbow 1974
Scorpions In Trance 1975
Scorpions Love at First Sting 1984
Scorpions Gold Ballads 1985
Scorpions World Wide Live 1985
Serge Gainsbourg Histoire de Melody Nelson 1971
Simon & Garfunkel Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M. 1964
Simon & Garfunkel Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme 1966
Simon & Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water 1970
Simon & Garfunkel The Concert in Central Park 1982
Sinergy Beware the Heavens 1999
Sinner Dangerous Charm 1987
Sins of Thy Beloved, The Perpetual Desolation 2005
Sivert Høyem Moon Landing 2009
Sivert Høyem Long Slow Distance 2011
Skid Row Skid Row 1989
Slayer Hell Awaits 1985
Slayer South of Heaven 1988
Smashing Pumpkins Gish 1991
Smiths, The Hatful of Hollow 1984
Smiths, The The Queen is Dead 1986
Smiths, The Louden Than Bombs 1987
Smiths, The Strangeways, Here We Come 1987
Smiths, The The World Won't Listen 1987
Smiths, The Rank 1988
Smiths, The Best I 1992
Spindrift The Legend of Gods Gun 2006
Status Quo Hello! 1973
Steve Gibbons Band Caught in the Act 1977
Steven Wilson Grace for Drowning 2011
Stratovarius Intermission 2001
Stryper Soldier Under Command 1985
Stryper To Hell With the Devil 1986
Styx The Grand Illusion 1977
Supertramp Crime of the Century 1974
Supertramp Even in the Quietest Moments… 1977
Supertramp Breakfast in America 1979
T.Rex Electric Warrior 1971
Talking Heads Remain in Light 1980
Taste Taste 1969
Taste On the Boards 1970
Taste Pop History vol. 11 1971
Tears for Fears Songs From the Big Chair 1985
Ted Nugent Ted Nugent 1975
Television Adventure 1978
Theatre of Tragedy Velvet Darkness They Fear 1996
Therion Theli 1996
Thin Lizzy Live and Dangerous 1978
Tidfall Instinct Gate 2002
Tool Opiate 1992
Tool Lateralus 2001
Toto Toto 1978
Toto Hold the Line 1984
Trio Trio 1981
Twisted Sister Come Out and Play 1985
Type O Negative Bloody Kisses 1993
Type O Negative Dead Again 2007
U2 October 1981
U2 Under a Blood Red Sky 1983
U2 War 1983
U2 The Unforgettable Fire 1984
U2 The Joshua Tree 1987
U2 Rattle and Hum 1988
Ugly Kid Joe As Ugly as They Wanna Be 1991
Uriah Heep Very 'eavy… Very 'umble 1970
Uriah Heep Look at Yourself 1971
Uriah Heep Salisbury 1971
Uriah Heep Demons and Wizards 1972
Van Halen Van Halen 1978
Van Halen 1984 1984
Van Morrison Astral Weeks 1968
Vangelis Chariots of Fire 1981
Velvet Underground, The The Velvet Underground & Nico 1967
Vital Remains Icons of Evil 2007
W.A.S.P. W.A.S.P. 1984
Who, The Meaty Beaty Big & Bouncy 1970
Who, The Who's Next 1971
Who, The Quadrophenia 1973
Who, The By Numbers 1975
Wishbone Ash Wishbone Ash 1970
Wishbone Ash Argus 1972
Wishbone Ash Live Dates 1973
Yes Fragile 1971
Yes The Yes Album 1971
Yes Close to the Edge 1972
ZZ Top Afterburner 1985


.Diverse kunstnere Dansk Arbejde 2 1972
.Diverse kunstnere Jullerup Færgeby 1974
.Diverse kunstnere Kaj & Andrea 1974
.Diverse kunstnere Atomkraft Nej Tak 1976
.Diverse kunstnere Christiania 1976
.Diverse kunstnere Muppet Show, The 1977
.Diverse kunstnere Bølle-Bob og de Andre 1978
.Diverse kunstnere Vi Gider Ikke Lege Med Dig 1978
.Diverse kunstnere DK Rock 1979
.Diverse kunstnere Giv EF Modstand 1979
.Diverse kunstnere Rockrevuen "Natlægen" 1979
.Diverse kunstnere Bølle-Bob på Sommerferie-løjer 1980
.Diverse kunstnere Bamses Billedbog 1986
.Diverse kunstnere Postmand Per 1989
Altar of Oblivion Sinews of Anguish 2009
Baby Woodrose Blows Your Mind! 2001
Baby Woodrose Money for Soul 2003
Baby Woodrose Dropout! 2004
Baby Woodrose Chasing Rainbows 2007
Baby Woodrose Baby Woodrose 2009
Benny Andersen & Povl Dissing Svantes Viser 1973
Burnin Red Ivanhoe Burnin Red Ivanhoe 1970
C.V. Jørgensen En Stynet Strejfer 1974
C.V. Jørgensen Det Ganske Lille Bands Bedste 1979
C.V. Jørgensen Solgt til Stanglakrids 1979
C.V. Jørgensen Tidens Tern 1980
Clausen & Petersen I Storbyens Favn 1978
Clausen & Petersen Cirkus Casablanca 1980
D.A.D. Draws a Circle 1987
D.A.D. No Fuel Left for the Pilgrims 1989
D.A.D. Riskin' it All 1991
Dragontears 2000 Micrograms From Home 2007
Dragontears Tambourine Freak Machine 2008
Dragontears Turn on Tune in Fuck off! 2010
Gasolin' Gas 5 1975
Gasolin' Live Sådan 1976
Gasolin' Gør det Noget 1977
Gasolin' Rabalderstræde Forever 1991
Hitchcocks, The Blood Will Follow 2010
Jens Unmack Dagene Løber Som Heste 2009
Jørgen Leth, Mikael Simpson, Frithjof Toksvig Vi Sidder Bare Her 2008
Jørgen Leth, Mikael Simpson, Frithjof Toksvig Ikke Euforisk 2010
Kliché Okay Okay Boys 1982
Lars H.U.G. City Slang 1984
Laus Høybye - Krumme Det' Ikke Så Svært 1992
Lone Kellermann & Rockbandet Fod Under Eget Bord 1981
Love Shop Frelsens Hær 2010
Loveless, The Star Rover 2002
Mercyful Fate Don't Break the Oath 1984
Mercyful Fate 9 1999
Musikpatruljen Musikpatruljen 1972
Niels Skousen Jeg Vender Mig i Sengen 1973
Niels Skousen Jeg Vender Mig i Sengen 1973
Niels Skousen Landet Rundt, 1. Del 1980
On Trial Forever 2006
Røde Mor Rok Ork 1971
Røde Mor Ta' Hva' Der Er Dit 1972
Røde Mor Grillbaren 1973
Røde Mor Linie 3 1974
Røde Mor Betonhjertet 1975
Røde Mor Hjemlig Hygge 1976
Savage Rose Dødens Triumf 1972
Savage Rose Wild Child 1973
Sebastian 80'ernes Boheme 1983
Shit & Chanel Shit & Chanel 1976
Shit & Chanel Tak For Sidst 1978
Skousen & Ingemann Herfra Hvor Vi Står 1971
Skousen & Ingemann Med Venner 1975
Skousen & Ingemann Forbryderalbum 1978
Søren Kragh-Jacobsen & Leif Lindskov Hinkeruder på Motorvejen 1976
Sort Sol Flow My Firetear 1991
Spids Nøgenhat En Mærkelig Kop Te 2001
Stig Møller, Skousen & Ingemann Lykkehjulet 1976
Troels Trier Rosa 1974
Vesterbro Ungdomsgård Hjerteblod 1977
VM Holdet Re-Sepp-Ten 1986


Chris Barber The Chris Barber Jubilee Album 3 1975
Louis Armstrong The Genius of - Volume I: 1923-1933 1971
Louis Armstrong Integrale V.S.O.P. 1974
Miles Davis Bitches Brew 1970
Papa Bue's Viking Jazzband Barber & Bue 1973
Papa Bue's Viking Jazzband Dixieland 1976


.Diverse Kunstnere The Complete Classical Collection
.Diverse Kunstnere Popular Music That Will Live Forever
Bach, Johann Sebastian Das Orgelwerk
Beethoven, Ludwig van Måneskinssonaten, Pathetique
Brahms, Johannes Koncert for violon og orkester D-dur op. 77
Chopin, Frédéric Artur Rubinstein
Dvořák, Antonín Symfoni nr. 9 - Fra den nye verden
Dvořák, Antonín Slaviske danse
Händel, Georg Friedrich Messias
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Symfoni nr. 40 og 41
Strauss, Richard Also Sprach Zarathustra
Tchaikovsky, Piotr 1812 Overture
Vivaldi, Antonio De fire årstider

Status pr. 9. marts 2012: 579 stk.